Birth Story

Suatu perjalanan yang luar biasa dan membuat aku terlahir kembali.

Pertama kali tau kalo lagi isi itu ada di bulan Agustus 2020. Kita ngga nyangka akan secepat itu, tapi kita bersyukur karena Tuhan sudah kasih kepercayaan sama kita. Aku inget waktu itu aku pernah doa, kalo Tuhan mau titipkan anak sama aku, aku janji akan menjadi Ibu yang baik buat anak aku kelak. 3 bulan setelah menikah, Tuhan tanamkan benih itu di rahim aku. Disinilah perjalanan dimulai.

39minggu 6 hari yang penuh dengan warna. Mual-mual di trimester 1, dari yang sekali makan martabak manis 3-4 potong, sekarang satupun kutak sanggup. Benci banget harus cium bau yang normal sekalipun jadi mau muntah. Aku yang terbiasa aktif gerak-gerak harus melambatkan fase dan berdamai dengan perubahan. Di trimester 2, semuanya membaik. Nafsu makan kembali, badan fit, dan merasa lebih bersemangat. Meskipun ngga bisa lari, sepedaan, dan zumba sekarang aku ganti dengan power walking, yoga ringan (yang dulu gasuka), dan berenang.

Bicara soal ngidam, ngga ada ngidam yang spesifik atau aneh-aneh. Yang aku ingat: ngidam staycation di hotel waktu TM1. Secara tiap masuk kamar apartemen bawaannya selalu mau muntah, apalagi kalo udah tetangga masak, kutaksanggup~. Jadilah selama 12 minggu pertama kehamilan, kita ada 3-4x nginep di hotel. Lalu, aku ngidam dine in nasi padang saat kehamilan 24minggu. Sebelumnya, nasi padang is not my cup of tea. Simpel aja ternyata ngidamnya.

Di trimester 3, drama yang sesungguhnya dimulai. Di awal minggu 28, mulai disuruh “diet” karena ukuran baby lebih gede dari minggunya. Lalu at the same time, badan mulai lemas-lemas dan ngantuk luar biasa. Bangun jam 6.30 pagi, jam 10-11 pagi udah ngantuk lagi. Dipikirnya itu normal, ternyata saat cek darah di 31minggu, my Hb was waaay below the threshold. It’s only 8.4. The borderline for pregnant woman is 10. Kitapun bingung, karena biasanya kalo ibu anemia, baby nya cenderung kecil, lha wong ini aku baru disuruh diet kok karena dia kebesaran. Jadinya anomali kan. So, in less than 2 months, I need to catch up 2 points. Caranya gimana? Infus zat besi. Percayalah, aku yang takut luar biasa sama jarum, jadi mulai terbiasa. Infus dibagi dalam 3 kali dalam satu ronde. Per 2 hari sekali. Dari 3 kali infus, 1x gagal, dan harus pindah lubang. Pulang-pulang di perban kanan-kiri. Tangan lebam-lebam. Perjuangan ngga berenti disitu. Ketika 36weeks dan cek darah lagi, ternyata HB nya masih 9. Wah, progres yang cukup lamban untuk ukuran satu bulan. Jadi dokterpun memutuskan untuk infus zat besi lagi, 3kali lagi per 2 hari sekali lagi. Dari 3 kali infus, 2 nya gagal kali ini. Lebam-lebampun makin banyak, biru kanan kiri. Karena aku sadar HB ini isu serius, akhirnya aku juga boost dari makanan. Termudah dan yang disaranin semua orang adalah…… buah bit:) Kebayang kan bau tanahnya? Akupun. Namun, demi si dede dan aku yang sehat, jadilah aku rutin minum jus bit+jeruk+yakult selama satu bulan dari 36 weeks sampe menjelang lahiran di 39weeks++. Now I can say that beetroot is no longer my enemy as long as orange is there lol. Usaha itupun membuahkan hasil, di minggu awal 39 saat cek darah lagi, HB nya udah 10.6 yey! Akupun ngobrol sama si dede di perut, “kalo kamu udah siap yuk lahir, HB mama udah bagus, PCR pun udah negatif.”

Tapi sayangnya si dede masih betah nih di perut. Gada mules yang gimana-gimana. Jalan pagi makin intense, yoga sore dan main gymball pun demikian. Tapi kita tetep coba sabar menunggu. Sampe waktu 39minggu 5hari kita datang ke dokter yang emang jadwalnya kontrol mingguan. Kita udah discuss soal plan induksi/c-section sekiranya sampe minggu depan di 40minggu belum ada tanda-tanda juga. Ternyata, Tuhan punya rencana lain. Hari itu, kita memutuskan untuk CTG karena saat USG, dede ada lilitan satu tali pusar. Dokter bilang lilitannya longgar dan masih aman. Cuma dokter bilang CTG aja untuk memastikan dedenya sehat. Dari hasil CTG ini, plot twist sesungguhnya terjadi. Abis CTG, dokter manggil untuk cek bukaan. Dokter bilang “ini udah ada kontraksi, data ngga bisa bohong. Kontraksinya 10 menit sekali dan ada respon dari bayinya.” DANNNNNN abis kesakitan di cek bukaan (tanpa kontraksi) dokterpun bilang “bukaan 2. Ya, selamat pak ini yang ditunggu-tunggu. Langsung masuk kamar perawatan ya. Kita pantau.” Aku sama suamipun langsung bengong. “Hah yang bener dok?” “Ini beneran mau bersalin?” “kok saya ga mules?” dll dll pertanyaan-pertanyaan kebingungan dari aku dan suami. Singkat cerita, dokter bilang bisa jadi karena baby nya besar (udah 3,4kg saat itu) jadi dia ga nekan mulut rahim. Atau akunya yang kuat nahan sakit (wkwk padahal ini emang ga berasa apa-apa sih). Dokterpun bilang kita akan jalanin “partus percobaan”. Partus percobaan ini serba alami ngga melibatkan induksi. Kenapa? Karena aku dicurigai panggul sempit makanya bisa jadi dedenya pun ga turun. Dalam 2×24 jam kita harus pantau: kemajuan pembukaan, mulesnya muncul, dan penurunan kepala bayi. Ketiganya itu harus terpenuhi. Karena bahaya kalo pake induksi tapi kepala bayi ga turun, mamak akan menderita. Kalau dalam 2×24 jam tetep stuck, kita harus operasi. Udah pasrah sama apapun hasilnya, kitapun memutuskan untuk tetap optimis selama dedenya sehat.

Yuk, kita mulai timeline perjalanan lahirnya dede:

16 Apr 21 2pm Masuk kamar, kita enjoy banget berasa liburan. Ketawa ketiwi, nonton, makan (terus) sambil main gymball atau yoga-yoga ringan dan mondar mandiri di kamar untuk induksi alami. Mengalihkan pikiran tiap kali “kapan mulesnya dateng” dan gugling2 terus. Ada sih kepikiran, apalagi tiap abis CTG hasilnya masih bukaan 2, kok ga maju-maju. Tapi aku memilih untuk tetap sabar dan serahin semuanya ke Tuhan. Karena kalo aku stres, oksitosin ngga akan keluar dan pembukaanpun pasti makin mandek.

16 Apr 21 11pm another CTG test. Masih bukaan 2 dan ngga ngerasa mules juga. Suster bilang tenang aja, bukaan 1-3 memang lama dan bisa sampe 2×24 jam. Yaudah akupun santai.

17 Apr 21 1am saat mencoba tidur, ini anak kok gerak-gerak terus. Biasanya, kalo dibilangin pasti nurut dan ikutan bobo. But not for this time. He kept on moving dan jadilah mamak juga gabisa tidur

17 Apr 21 2am baby makin intense gerak-gerak dan perut tiba-tiba mulai mules. Mikir apa mau BAB, tapi jam 9 malem aku udah BAB dan di RS pun gada makan pedes2.  Tap mulesnya ga ilang-ilang sambil si baby gerak-gerak terus. Mulai mikir apa ini kontraksi? Karena ga yakin dan belum terlalu sakit akhirnya mutusin untuk ngga bangunin erik dan mulai cek pake contraction app sambil mondar mandir dan atur nafas.

17 Apr 21 3am ternyata kontraksi udah 5 menit skali selama 1 menit dan ga ilang-ilang selama 1 jam. Karena udah yakin itu kontraksi, akhirnya bangunin erik. Masih tahan sakitnya, dan tetep mondar-mandir dan pantau terus. Ngga lupa tetap atur nafas.

17 Apr 21 4am Sakit makin berasa dan makin intens, tapi masih bisa tahan jadi kita mutusin untuk ngga panggil suster. Masih sempetin makan juga kebetulan malemnya erik beli pisang bakar. Inget kalo nanti makin intense mungkin ga akan napsu makan. Akhirnya kita makan sambil nonton acara sahur.

17 Apr 21 5am suster datang dan waktunya CTG. Dia udah ngelihat aku udah ga ketawa-tiwi lagi, dia seneng artinya kontraksi yang ditunggu-tunggu udah dateng. 

17 Apr 21 6am did another VT and boom…… bukaan 8! Suster kaget, bidan kaget, akupun kaget. Dan saat itu juga semuanya heboh. Nelponin ruang bersalin dan akupun ngerasain sudden dorongan untuk ngeden. Niatnya mau mandi dulu plus jalan kaki ke kamar bersalin, apa daya, dorongan ngeden udah terlalu kuat jadi harus duduk demi nahan ngga ngeden. Jadilah, didorong pake kursi roda dan ngga jadi mandi karena udah running out of time.

17 Apr 21 7am udah di ruang bersalin dan udah bukaan lengkap. Ngga lama air ketuban pecah sendirinya. Dipikir ini saatnya, karena udah ngga kuat udah kontraksi tiap 2-3menit skali dan punggung udah sakit maxxxx. Tapi belom boleh ngeden karena dokter belom dateng dan kepala baby masih belum ngunci. Hiksssss

17 Apr 21 7.30am mulai belajar ngeden dibantuin sama para bidan. Ternyata…….. susahhhh WKWKWK. ada ketakutan pup pas ngeden (yang pedahal gapapa)

17 Apr 21 8am setengah jam ngeden, baru crowning kepalanya ezra. Perut udah didorong-dorong sama suster bantuin baby turun. Udah dipakein bantuan selang oksigen karena nafas mulai pendek-pendek. Akhirnya ga lama dokter mutusin untuk dibantu vakuum.

17 Apr 21 8.15am Welcome on earth, Ezra Lumban Tobing!  Terima kasih udah bantu mama punya proses melahirkan yang indah, cepat, dan minim sakit.

Kunci persalinan: keep breathing, dont waste ur energy to scream because delivery is a marathon, keep active and moving while u can. Positive affirmation to the baby, and trust urself &baby. Aku inget saat masih di perut, sering banget ngobrol sama Ezra “de nanti kita lahiran yang cepet ya biar mama ga sakit lama-lama. Kalo bisa persalinan pervaginam, kita saling bantu ya. Tapi kalo mau operasipun gapapa, yang penting kita berdua sama-sama sehat.” Dan Tuhan & Ezra pun menjawab doaku. Luar biasa baik:”)

Setelah 6 jam terkapar, baru aku belajar bangun dan mulai membersihkan diri. Pada prosesnya, persalinan memang ada rasa sakit. Dibius, dijahit, disuntik sana-sini, dicek bukaan berkali-kali, dll dll. Aku yang awalnya ngga kebayang dan selalu bertanya-tanya “apa aku bisa melewati ini semua? sakitnya aku bisa tahan ngga ya?” sekarang jadi percaya kalo Tuhan mendesain tubuh wanita sedemikian rupa untuk bisa melewati proses ini dan dia kasih kita kekuatan untuk melewatinya. I’m so proud (and still amazed) that my body is capable of doing such a great job. For every woman out there, ngga peduli apapun cara melahirkan kalian, kalian luar biasa!

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Posted by on September 2, 2021 in Uncategorized



It’s unbeliveable that quarantine will be over soon and we’re going to face “new normal” era. In these last 2 days I’m having right now, it feels right to enjoy this quarantine while it lasts. Funny though, remembering back then in mid march when it’s all started. It was such a chaotic day. Sudden dismissal of mass transportation, limitation of gojek, impromptu WFH announcement, heavy rain that night made all streets decorated with red lights. It’s like a sign telling you that it’s gonna stop soon, and it’s not wrong. Without realizing it, your whole life was changed. I was never expecting that friday morning would be my last day taking bus to and from my usual route, route that given me so much memories, contemplation.

Those first two weeks was full of anxiety, stress, and fear. You couldn’t help to read the news but keep going to do that. The more you know, the more horror it is. The second two weeks was about adjustment, living as newlyweds.

Never crossed my mind that only in 2 months, the old me who never had a step in kitchen, able to cook such a wide variant of foods. Never crossed my mind I would do all those household stuff. Never crossed my mind that I finally able to arrange what I wanna do in life, independently. Never crossed my mind that my 2months marriage felt like 2 years since we’re together 24/7. Never crossed my mind that I also found out enjoyment of learning new languange, online courses. Never crossed my mind that groceries shopping is currently my routine (and concerning a lot about the price tag lol). Never crossed my mind that unconsciously I started to love this moment, felt a bit sad knowing that it’s gonna over soon. Don’t get me wrong, I, of course, want it to be over soon and back to normal life. I miss travelling and pampering. I miss socializing with my friends. Chatting virtually really is not my cup of tea (I tend to forget to reply, tend to neglect the group chat, lol). It’s just beyond imagination that those anger and boredom on first and half month could turn to this situation. It made me realize that being housewife it’s not an easy job, hats off to all women out there.

I guess some of us in “perfect” state right now. It’s not because we want to locked up forever. It’s just we start to accept, we start to realize that your space, your movement might be limited, but not with your life. Your life is so much more than that. Being able to breath naturally every morning when you wake up, having a healthy body, sleeping in such a comfort, still having a job, able to eat properly, able to spend time with your loved ones, realizing so many people that still care about you, able to do some sports, having chance to explore things you haven’t thought you’d make it, and so on. It’s the small things that matter. Cherish it while it lasts. You’re gonna miss it someday.

Thank you, for giving such a priceless experience.

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Posted by on June 5, 2020 in Uncategorized


Two Retailers

Same business, different approach.

Things couldn’t be always the same. The way I feel, my enthusiasm, are all now different. I remember those days back then when I so optimistic about building a career in this industry. On the very first workshop session, 1st interview, 3 days internship, FGD, 2nd interview, final interview. It felt like my dream already came true, as a fresh graduate. Imagining that I could work in the place that I always dream about, the collections that I always wear, the store I always visit even until now, when I’m no longer part of it. It’s still vividly clear that proud feeling when you came to the store and saw those clothes were nicely hanging there, admiring your masterpiece, your hardwork in the city that 335miles away had been paid off.

On those gloomy day, I do regret my decision to go far away and wish someday I could came back with different role. I wiped out all those travelling memories, all those chances to work globally just because my pomposity as youngster.

Then, God did answer my prayer, indeed. 3 years later, he brought me to where I am today. It’s similar, but not a common one. The people, the ambiance, the spirit…. are no longer existing. The excitement to visit stores whenever you go the mall is just untouchable, don’t even wish to take a glance once.

Is it because I’m getting consumed by my age? Or Is it because things don’t go as I expected? It’s clear now that I don’t have choice to back down, regretting my rash decision to survive, for the second time.

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Posted by on May 22, 2020 in Uncategorized



It is true saying that “Once a fool, will always be a fool”

That’s so much relatable with what I’ve been facing right now. Bunch of dumbhead people makes me angry and laugh (bitter one) at the same time. Sometimes it is not my league to face people like them, it is just wasting my time to have a never ending argue. But, life is not that simple. In this country, the smarter you are, the real fool you are.

So, I have shipping team who (apparently) helps me to ship out orders. The coordinator (He) and the staff (she) are my numero uno enemies in my aging time (who wants to have enemy when you are 27?)

  • He and she don’t want to admit any shipping mistakes
  • He’s angry when I talk directly to his boss regarding his mistakenly member (why should I talk to you?)
  • He asks me to STOP orders coming from marketplaces so that he can manage the people to pack orders (how come you say no to money? while it’s the only source to keep you paid!)
  • She dresses awfully (mixing stripes with floral, not to mention the boots)
  • She joins all quizzes on instagram and tag all people, shamelessly
  • She follows my sister and my husband on instagram, whom she never met before, just because she wants to ask them to join instagram quiz
  • She poses in minimarket, acting like she’s a mermaid, have it posted on her feed
  • She never wants to double check her work, let the mistake passes to my team (she’s doing pick and pack but doesn’t want to QC)
  • She claims she’s busier than anyone else (only packing, as far as I know)
  • She calls me in the morning, asks for a taxi like she’s the boss (she just texted 2 mins ago)
  • She scolds somebody else easily, but busy making up things when she knows she’s wrong
  • She asks my team to improve sales when all she can do is nothing but packing (and bossing around)
  • She asks my team to achieve 100% sales like my team is doing nothing but sleeping
  • She forces my team to achieve 110% when it’s 109% so that she can get 110% commission (and she doesn’t even know how to calculate commission)
  • She tells me that the finance division in the office might embezzle her commission (our company has audited and her commission is not even 1% valued from the business)
  • She threats me that if she receive commission less than promised, she will protest me in the coming days (I am not the one who calculate and pay the commission)
  • She collects money valued less than USD 1 every HOUR like we owe her USD 100,000

What could be worse than that?

It’s too bad that my first post is full of anger and hatred. I’m sorry if it is way too harsh. People around me know me well that I have bad taste when talking, worst when I’m mad. I’ve spent long time of not writing anything just because…… But these fvckin’ morons can’t stop me from doing this. I’d better write rather than saying hurtful words like I always do. I feel so frustrated why do I have to face such a situation, such a trashy people. Guess I should help my self out, sooner or later.

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Posted by on May 22, 2020 in Uncategorized



People nowadays are so funny. In this social media era, recognize each other virtually is the easiest way to do. You can just share your so-called life by bluffing your happy and beautiful moments in just one post instagram. You shared your story to your xxx followers, they shared their story with you. You posted the picture, they posted their picture in your timeline.

It becomes funny when you shared, you posted then you deleted others. If you could share, why others couldn’t? As far as I know, everyone deserves to be happy, and deserves to do what they feel right. So deleting or blocking someone is just another word of jealousy, childish, and idiocy (except for SARA, porn, issues). Because there is fine line between unforgivable and unforgettable

If you lose something, or something is taken away from you, it’s a good sign to reflect what you did wrong instead of blaming others. Be grateful if you get the chance to reflect so because if you don’t, that’s your loss, baby.

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Posted by on October 11, 2017 in Uncategorized


Accept the Facts

9 months ago, I made decision to change my job role and spread my wings. That time, nobody -including-me- knew whether it would be the right decision to  make or not. Seems like quitting your comfort zone leaves you so many mysteries. But, we will never know how it tastes if we never try. And here I am now, sitting in a place which answers my curiosity.

First few days, first few months, were a very struggle. I started from zero on everything. I can pass it all eventho it’s hard. There is only one thing which I can’t pass, getting worse, and bring me to make up my mind and leave all these shitty things.

However, after what I’ve been through, I don’t want to wonder ”What if….” or ”If I could turn back the time…. I would….” No. Not at all. I do not want to turn back the time because I know, if past doesn’t happen, presence won’t be here and I might end up to become someone/somewhere else. I just need to accept things and realize that sometimes life gives you lemon. I’ve spent 9 months full of nagging and insecurities just because I always compare my life and someone’s life which obviously it’s not the same and it will never be the same. Our book might be the same, but the story inside is definitely different. We might hold the same pen, we might have the same number of blank pages, but the story, characters are definitely different.

Slowly but sure, I learn to accept facts. Fact that not everyone wants to be treated nicely just because they don’t deserve that. Facts that it’s okay to not feeling good everytime because I bet most of people do. Fact that not everything you see in social media is 100% true. Joyous moments are indeed real, but pathetic moments are also there. Fact that nobody helps you other than yourself. No matter how many times someone cheers you up, if you don’t want to be happy, you will be forever sad. No matter how many times someone advises you, if you don’t want to listen, you/things will never change. No matter how many times someone asks you to stop, if you keep running, you will never know what you have missed. No matter how many times someone tells you it’s wrong, if you keep doing that, you will find the consequences.  See? It’s all about you. Yourself. You gotta be strong!

I am now rearranging my life and building all my dreams with my own hands. I won’t let negativity interferes because at the end, I don’t want to receive less than what I deserve.

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Posted by on August 12, 2017 in Uncategorized


Quarter life crisis (yet)?

Knowing most of my relatives recently started to tie the knot is making me pretty anxious. Being almost 25, life welcomes me with the so called ”quarter life crisis”. Most of people is starting to take their life to next step, be it higher career position, finish their master study, or ready to get married (or even have kids already!). But, it’s just most. Some others is still enjoying their life, be it expanding their career, still being single, exploring new things, travelling more, etc. At this point, I’m questioning: is it right moment for me to initiate those crisis?

Well, life crisis whose topic I’d like to emphasize is (uhum) more to love life crisis. Ok, I admit that we are still facing big mountain in front of us. In which we just need courage and perseverance to reach our end goal.

I take my hat off for those who brave enough to start it. Buying rings, finding home to live in, uniting 2 big families, and others. But then I realize that wedding is just a one day ceremony. The life awaits day after is much more thrilling. I mean, pregnant, raising kids, making sure they grow up well and getting the best education & life are pretty much challenging. You must not have the same ideas with your partner, but at least you must live under same perspective, how you see life. And those foundations, you must ensure it before you make it official.With right person, settling things is much easier. With wrong person, even the right things will never feel right.Please kindly take note that I’m saying this not to make it as a burden, just to show the bittersweet truth.

Now, we are building a mature relationship. It’s not something that we set up in order to become one. It’s just thing that comes naturally. Our recent dates were filled in with discussions, from the lightest one to most serious, hardest one.  We’d rather spread and share happiness to people around us than publishing things to people virtually (we still do sometimes, though:p), and those should bring positive impact in each aspect of our life.

The simplest effect is, I gain the power and the passion to start writing again. Even though the process to find ”what to write” is hard, and distractions are everywhere, when you are in good mood, you can always find a way to finish it.



Posted by on April 16, 2017 in Uncategorized


New Chapter

Hi, it’s me (again). A little disbelief that I’m typing word by word with this old laptop again since it’s been replaced with another laptop haha. Been MIA for 2 years, you guys must have been grown up a lot and (probably) changed a lot. Same here. These past 2 years I changed and grew up, a lot. I name it as ”New Chapter” of my life.

Starting new chapter in your life is never easy at all. But, it doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. New chapter means you’re given a chance to develop and improve more. At least, that’s what I feel after having 2 new chapters which I’m gonna share with you shortly.

1.New Job

I made a brave decision in last quarter of 2016. It’s all started from my Europe trip in September. For almost 2 weeks, I got refreshment from holiday and felt so alive. Like I gained back all the energy. I thought it was only temporary feeling of holiday syndrome until unconsciously I started to find new jobs and ended up with my one month notice in November. Mixed feelings happened a lot to me at that time. Aside from my frustration of the job itself, I love everything there. The people, the environment, the facilities, the privileges, etc etc. Can I get the same or even more once I quit? Can I have good friends like I have them? Can I…. can I…. What if…. how if…….. it goes all that until the day has come. Until I woke up to the fact that I am no longer calling taxi service to send me off to airport every tuesday, no longer sleep in hotel pillow, no longer woke up early morning, and so on. I am standing in different place now, totally new environment which I didn’t have, which I didn’t experience before. It’s a little bit tough at first, even until now, but tough situation is just there to make us stronger.  We just need more patience as the world outside doesn’t seem as naive as it’ seen.

2. New Guy

We first met in 2014, under same company. It was nothing much back then. We barely talked until he moved to my team in April 2015. Still, it’s nothing much. We just colleague, good colleague I can say. He’s cooperative and supportive as team member. He had high initiative and always came up with brilliant idea. As a friend, he’s also a nice person, outgoing and cheerful. Our day by day were filled with teamwork on how to solve every problems occurring in our factory. It is undeniable that those temptations has brought us as solid team.

Eventhough we were close, I didn’t think I knew much about him. There was like invisible line in between which separate us. But that’s totally fine since we didn’t have any particular interests. However, things are different now. We are no longer co-worker who doesn’t have particular interest. I don’t know how to say but I guess we are made from scraps of our memories back then 😉

Long short story, he’s currently my boyfriend. The guy whom I love. The guy who brings colors in my life. Ups and downs. Happy and joy. Laughters and tears. Good and bad. Healthy and sick. He’s not the type who gives me surprises, gifts, or fulfilling whatever I want. He really isn’t. Instead, he gives me comfort and happiness. He never forced me, everything just happened naturally. I am who I am when I’m with him. I live my life to the fullest, and happiest. We might argue a lot, fight a lot, scold each other a lot. In fact, we’ve been through hard times much more than we have good times. Even so, we cherish the good times, be it big or small. It doesn’t always have to be fancy dinner, or valet pick up to cherish good times. It is the laughter we share in every conversations, it is the adventure we look forward each week, it is the dinner in ”Nasi goreng udin bodong” in front of my house, it is the small talk during our busy working time, it is the random talk in midnight when we almost lose our conscious, it is how we try to understand each other better. Being friends previously doesn’t mean we don’t make any effort to make things work. We still adjust and adapt to each other. We also made mistakes. Mistakes where our ego and pride still lead. Where our selfishness still drives the relationship and immature act dominates. We don’t know that someone can be so different when he/she is falling in love in which makes it so important to learn how to understand people through love-perspective. We might not let the world know that we’re deeply in love, but our relationship grows better and richer as we learned from our mistakes.

Indeed, we are still facing big giant in front of us, yet what’s coming next is still grey somehow. But I do believe time heals everything.

It’s tough, but I hope it’s worthwhile.

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Posted by on March 30, 2017 in Uncategorized


A cliche Life

It’s such a nice thing finding myself able to write again. Unfortunately, I find it hard to maintain consistency. Or perhaps it’s not that hard, it’s just I’m not prioritizing writing among all of my business. The fact that I’m able to write at this time even though I’m so sleepy proves that if I have strong willingness, I can exercise what I planned before.

For these past 6 months, I gained a lot, I learned a lot. And still continuing the process.

Most important of all, I am getting to know myself better. I know in which way I want to be treated other people, so that I also treat others as I want to be treated. I know that I hate it when people distrust me to do things that I’m sure I can do it. I know that I can’t help it when people did not tell the truth, deceit one and another while doing their job. I know that I do not like it when I have to be dictated step by step, although sometimes I need a reminder to keep me to not swim too far or to keep me on track. I know that I am that tired when I can’t feel anything else but just laughing at my own mind. I know that how little things mean so much for me. How separation can make a big change in my life and each person has his/her own path to follow.

It might be a moment, a phase in our life, that force us become stronger, to realize what ‘life goes on’ means. I learned it the hard way. I learned that after a tremendous journey, goodbye awaited you. Even though after a goodbye people still can meet each other, support each other, things might not be the same again. There’s rhythm that changed naturally and it doesn’t feel like the way it used to be. Hence, goodbye does not always need tears. It just needs a simple prayer to each other and a promise to keep the relationship lasts because at the end of the day people will go back to their life and the will gradually forget. That is why, ‘cherish the moment’ means so much while we are too drunk to enjoy it.

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Posted by on February 10, 2015 in Uncategorized


20 Facts About Me

Copying of what people do on instagram recently, here are 20 facts about me :

1. I am a truly cancer person. Sensitive and moody.

2. I am a morning person and never skipped breakfast, I almost eat anything for breakfast.

3. I eat compulsively but always hope I won’t get fat by doing that.

4. I can’t talk much with new people or in new environment.

5. I am quite shy and calm but I can be very talkative to people whom I feel comfortable with.

6. I am a deep thinker. I think (way too) much.

7. I love spicy food so much.

8. I frequently pee.

9. I am not a fan of long hair.

10. I basically don’t like animals.

11. I have a pollen allergic.

12. I am a family oriented girl.

13. I am a i-need-a-me-time person.

14. I usually walk so fast. If you find me walk slowly, it’s simply because I hesitate where I’m about and what I am going to do next.

15. I am an imaginative person.

16. I am a typical of ‘Yaudah’ person. A mixed between caring and ignorant at the same time.

17. I literally feel naked without my watch.

18. I use a face paper a lot.Just because this super oily face.

19. I find difficulties to express my self and show my feeling.

20. I do believe in God and have a faith in Him.

How much do you know yourself?


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Posted by on September 13, 2014 in Every single word counts